Amos Lab

NSERC Synergy Award

The 2014 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation was awarded to Dr. Amos and a team of researchers, including David Blowes from the University of Waterloo, Leslie Smith from the University of British Columbia, David Sego from the University of Alberta and Gordon Macdonald from Diavik Diamond Mine Inc.

The award recognises the ten-year collaboration between Diavik and the university partners that will improve the way mining companies manage waste rock to better protect the environment and reduce costs. 

The Diavik Diamond Mine is located 300 km northeast of Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories. The research team has conducted extensive field studeis at the site combined with laboratory experiments, advanced analytical techniques and numerical modelling to better understand and predict effluent water quality from large waste rock piles. The research will help mining companies and regulators make better-informed decisions at an earlier stage in the mining process.


The project has provided excellent research and learning opportunities to numerous graduate and undergraduate students. Students have been involved in every aspect of the project, working closely with Diavik personnel and colleagues at the partner institutions. These students have gone on to carreers in the mining sector, environmental consulting, government agencies and academics.