Teaching: 2000-10 (at Carleton)

2009 - 2010

Winter '10
STAT 3506-A Stochastic Processes and Applications

Fall '09
STAT 2605A Probability Models
STAT 4508-A/5701-W Stochastic Models

2008 - 2009

Winter '09
STAT 3506-A Stochastic Processes and Applications
STAT 4508-A/5701-W Stochastic Models

Fall '09
STAT 2605A Probability Models
STAT 2655A Introduction to Probability with Applications

2004 - 2007

STAT 3506-A Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory

2003 - 2004

MATH 5900J Network Performance
STAT 4508/STAT 5701 Stochastic Models

2002 - 2003


2001 - 2002

70.265* Introduction to Probability with Applications

2000 - 2001

69.117* Linear Algebra I (two sections)
70.265* Introduction to Probability with Applications
70.590Z Systems and Networks --- Performance Evaluation